It all begins with an idea

Challenges and small projects see the light of day on this page and this is here to train my design skills. I will design apps for mobile or web to showcase my own personal design flair along with some of the latest design tools and practices.

Coworking-Space website

Final Design

Final Design


Exclusive Fitness website

High-Fidelity-Wireframe. First Design with Figma

High-Fidelity-Wireframe. First Design with Figma


Grocery App

Idea & Layout: The goal was to create a visually appealing and unique grocery app.

Idea & Layout: The goal was to create a visually appealing and unique grocery app.


Furniture website: Maynooth

Idea & Layout | Wireframe | Prototype

Idea & Layout | Wireframe | Prototype


Bikeshop website: Roar cycles

Idea & Layout | Wireframe | Prototype

Idea & Layout | Wireframe | Prototype


Stammkaffee (work in progress)


Shakra. Yoga app. Mobile native app.